Sunday, April 12, 2009

Ultimate Answer

i found it quite interesting....
have u ever know what is the Ultimate Answer?.....
& the main point is - do u really know what is the Ultimate Question?...

in "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" film , the president of the galaxy, Zaphod Beeblebrox is in a quest to the planet of Magrathea , where he believed he can discover the Ultimate Question to Question of Life , the Universe & match with the Answer "42" given by the supercomputer , Deep Thought...He found that even larger computer is build called "Earth" to determine the Ultimate Question & human is a part of components of that computer.....Arthur,the last remaining component of the supercomputer is captured by the mice;beings that had constructed supercomputer so that they can get his brain,which might have the Ultimate Question....the only answer given by him to the mice was-YES.....and the Ultimate Question was - IS SHE THE ONE?.....

some might think that this is quite ridiculous....but to me , this is obviously the Ultimate Question that has been looking over million years by the creatures in the make it short - the answer is LOVE.....

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Spelling Bee...(b-e-e)...

....ELS(English Language Society) skul sy tlah mngnjurkn prtndgan spelling bee prngkt skul...awl2 lg sy dah brmnat..pastu sy mmulakn operasi mngajak kwn2 ntuk join bnyk yg xnk join........last2 jmpe gak sorang,Ajwad..die kate die nk join same(tp time cmpetition xder lak die)...

Then,sy try ajk gurls TpL lak,....& rsultnyer kat bwh....

Malyn - aslnye nk join gak,tp die tkar fkiran time last mnute
Sarah - awl2 lg dah nk join
Tymah - yg ni xnk join,tp die dftrkn diri pada saat2 akhir
Fatin - sy da lupe if sy ade ajk die,tp yg psti die x join but end up being pnonton jerk ngan Malyn
Liyana - sy lupe gak yg ni sama ada sy ajk or x,tp yg psti die x join & jd pnonton pun

time nk msuk blik tyngan mmg nrvus gler,skit prut lak ade gak smbur cologne skit coz impression drpd para juri tu pntng gak.....

round 1 - Tymah trsngkir
round 2 - Sarah trsngkir

sy dpt g ke final round ngan gurl Form 1.....nrvous gak....coz malu lak lau klh ngan bdak kcik jerk...sngit arh kot coz smpai round ke-3 still xder time die dpt prkataan 'hippopotamus',sy mmg nrvs gler2 yg amat.....coz word tu very damn easy...luckily,die trtkar hruf 'u' ngan 'a'......die form 1,so die dpt yg sng skit...

stlah para juri brbncng,dorang ambil kputusan ntuk sruh sy & bdak Form 1 tu dtg ke dpn,ntuk tlis prkataan yg dorang bgi atas whiteboard(da lwat sgt time tu)....

First word - bunyi cam 'careless' tp bkn....kitorang brdua x aci coz juri x bg definition pun
Second word - 'hysterical'......cmnerlh sy leh trtkar 'y' ngan 'i'....bdak tu pun same gak...hehe...
Third word - 'illuminate'......hehe.....this time mmg sy x wat mistake......cube korang teka,bdak tu btol x?...tntulah x....hahaha...

What a hppy day......